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Quantum Laws 

Collection of the most significant topics of the fundamental theories in Quantum physics which describe nature at the smallest scales of energy levels of atoms and subatomic particles. 


This page provides helpful information on what is psychology, how it can help you to live a fulfilled life. Learn self-Awareness tools and techniques to help you unleash your inner mind intelligence to manifest life you desire.

Online Meditation

Access to our psychological and rising vibrations meditations that already improved lives of thousands of people worldwide. Alpha brain state meditations have proven its effectiveness mind reprogramming, relaxation and improving physical and mental health state.


Ask Mark
Browse through random asked questions by our followers and readers which have been answered by Mark Haughton, the law of attraction coach.
Every Tuesday you can ask your own question and get a personal response by Mark Haughton through our story in instagram @mindcenterworld

Highlights from daily motivational posts and people’s feedback. Get Inspired!