Self Programming & Affirmations

8888 instant wealth success abundance guided meditation. This guided alpha/theta meditation is designed to quiet and bypass the critical divide of the conscious mind.With the conscious mind out of the picture, all affirmations are directly received by the subconscious mind to act on.Simply listen before bed or within two hours of waking up in morning. Listen to the Affirmations and put image in your minds eye for what each affirming words signifies to you.Listen continuously for at least 90 days.Follow instructions and results of abundance increase are GUARANTEED in all facets of your life.Headphones not required.Background frequencies are infused with alpha/Theta frequencies. Alpha/theta frequencies puts the mind in relax trance meditative states hence easy access to the subconscious mind.

To boost the effect of this manifestation video watch it at the feeling good state. Otherwise feel free to watch it at anytime.

The subconscious mind holds the key to our abundance and self worth. This subliminal will directly target the subconscious through powerful affirmation statements that are infused with high and low pitch relaxing frequencies. While listening and watching, focus on my words while inhaling and exhaling slowly. You will immediately feel negative resistance escaping your body. You’ll experience feelings of calmness, joy, peace and self-confidence. (Headphones recommended for full experience)