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Lucid dreaming: a way to control your future?

It is no longer a secret that the human mind can attract miracles and disasters into life. Such tools as affirmations, visualization, guided meditations, and NLP are widely used. The techniques are simple and they do not cause any danger to health. A more advanced way to get what you desire is lucid dreaming. This way of attracting life goodies requires some practice and emotional stability.

Earlier lucid dreaming was used to cure nightmares caused by post-traumatic stress syndrome, anxiety or depression. The therapy allows patients to control a contest of their dream and remain aware that they are sleeping. If a scene is not pleasant or scary one can simply modify it or wake up completely. At some point, lucid dreaming is a virtual reality that is created by our mind.

A powerful manifestation tool

While some psychologists argued about the efficiency of lucid dreaming in treating nightmares, others went beyond the clinical application of this method and suggested using it for improvement of the life quality. Our mind cannot distinguish a reality from an imaginary world and this glitch gives us an opportunity to install a desired reality into our subconscious. As we remember from the law of attraction the mind is connected to the emotions and vibrations that results from them. Moreover, lucid dreaming can help in clearing limiting beliefs that prevent the dreams from coming true.

Through lucid dreaming it is possible to ask the subconscious to give a direction to your goal or already envision a desired moment of life. These positive pictures will connect our subconscious mind and reality through impulses and the energy starts flowing towards the desired event. The practice can be repeated from time to time to enhance the vibrations or to add on more colorful details to the scenes.

Safety matters for those with mental disorders and unstable psyche

Despite being a very powerful tool lucid dreaming should be used with caution. All senses become very intense in an imaginary world and frequent practice can make you addicted to virtual reality. You might start willing to live more in the fantasy rather than in the reality. This is especially important to know for people with various mental disorders.

  • First, frequent lucid dreaming may reduce a sleep quality.
  • Second, multiple practices may erase the line between reality and sleeping. With time psychotic or emotionally unstable people may start choosing a virtual reality over the real world. In this case, lucid dreaming might worsen their condition. The practice is also not advisable for teenagers as their mental state is not stable due to hormonal changes and transition period to adulthood.
  • Third, the spectrum of emotions in lucid dreaming is more intense in comparison to one in real life. The method may cause an addiction and people may feel less alive in reality than in a dream.

Taking into consideration these side effects it is advisable to consult a psychologist or a coach who will assess the client’s mental state and guide through the steps of lucid dreaming practice.